One can ask, what drives us to leave the house and end up on one of the hottest beaches of the West Coast? We believe the urge to post Instagram worthy images has become a top priority for people all over the world. If you’re visiting Southern California, then you definitely want to take photos in Newport Beach. Who doesn’t want to post an aesthetically pleasing photo of them sipping a margarita near the docks? Sure enough, Newport Beach is packed with locations suitable for every sort of photo shoot. Some of our favorite spots for photography include the Lido Marina Village which is a trendy walkable spot. The Sherman Library and Gardens which provides the perfect amount of greenery for your images. The Balboa Fun Zone which holds a retro charm-perfect for that #NewPortBeachPhotography hashtag. And last, but not least – the Balboa Pier! Some of our photographers believe the beach scenes might be a little overdone, but who can resist posing near the waves smiling for the camera? These are moments we as artists appreciate and cherish and strongly encourage you to book that shoot! Newport Beach photography is a top destination among amateurs and professional photographers. Have a look at one of the photo shoots we covered a while ago while working on a project on the coast.